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Reasons to be Happy 1

Welcome to my first ever Reasons to Be Happy post. In this series, I will post a list of quotes, products, news, gifs, videos, photos,...

How to Study

My first semester in college is coming to a close and I thought it would be helpful for all of us if I talked about how to study for...

My Big Idea

It might just be me who has crazy or seemingly impossible ideas that they want to make a reality. Hopefully, it's not, though. Today, I'd...

Almost, Maine

If you don't know that I'm really into theatre, then this post will be very eye-opening for you. Almost, Maine is a straight play with...

Makeup Is a Migraine Trigger!

As most of you know, I love the performing arts and, specifically, theatre. I don't usually wear makeup in my everyday life unless...

The Reading List

This is my list of books to read before I die. Feel free to join me on my journey into the world of words and stories. Before we start, I...

I need to Honor Myself

I was listening to a podcast called Meditative Story when I couldn't sleep a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes, I'm able to fall back to...

Book of the Month!

It's been way too long since I've done a Book of the Month! So why not now?I have already written a post inspired by one of the best...

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