Kiki JudithNov 25, 2017God Can Work Through Anyone, Even You!Sometimes God wants us to know something but He wants to make sure we know it's from Him. He tells us through a dream or a vision or a...
Kiki JudithSep 12, 2017Ruth 4Surprise! Surprise! Let's start off by reading Ruth 4! Now that you've read it, there's something I think is really cool. Ruth and Naomi...
Kiki JudithSep 3, 2017Ruth 3Start off by reading Ruth 3! To me, this chapter is super odd. Naomi tells Ruth to go to a party that Boaz holds. Then after he falls...
Kiki JudithAug 27, 2017Ruth 2To continue this weekly Bible study, read Ruth 2 and come back here! In this chapter, Ruth has to get food somehow so she can survive...
Kiki JudithApr 24, 2017I'm only a teenager! I'm discipling, too?!Now that you know how important discipleship/mentorship, I'm gonna call it discipleship though,  is (if not go check out the post on...